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Melanin Enriched - Tea Tree Toner

Melanin Enriched - Tea Tree Toner

ME Tea Tree Toner assists with gently reducing the appearance of dark spots and visibly improving  acne-prone areas while toning the skin to perfection.



Directions:  Wash and rinse face thoroughly with a facial cleanser, best with M.E. Tea Tree foaming facial cleanser.  Shake contents of M.E. Tea Tree Toner thoroughly prior to application and apply 1 or 2 drops on to cotton pad and gently wipe face but avoid placing into eyes.


Ingredients: Tea Tree Oil, Witch Hazel (cannot guarantee free from all traces of nut or other allergens) and fresh squeezed lemon juice.


This product is natural-based; however, for external use only and should avoid placing directly into eyes.  If you should get into eyes rinse thoroughly with cold water. M.E. Tea Tree Toner should be kept in the refrigerator as is contains fresh squeezed lemon juice.  Pregnant women at any stage should consult their physician before any use of essential oils.  Discontinue if allergy is evident.

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